Token guide

What is Tezos cryptocurrency?

Did you know that Tezos, a blockchain platform, has revolutionized the Web3 movement by providing a self-amending cryptocurrency with on-chain governance and unique staking features? Tezos allows for direct and frictionless interaction over a decentralized network, eliminating the need for intermediaries.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tezos is a blockchain platform designed to power the Web3 revolution.
  • Tezos offers on-chain governance, smart contract capabilities, and unique staking features.
  • Tezos allows for direct and frictionless interaction over a decentralized network.
  • The self-amending capabilities of Tezos make it adaptable and resilient in the ever-evolving cryptocurrency space.
  • Tezos has a vibrant community, strategic partnerships, and a growing ecosystem that contribute to its potential and future growth.

Introduction to Tezos

Tezos is an open-source platform that aims to revolutionize the blockchain landscape. With a strong community of validators, researchers, and builders, Tezos strives to overcome key barriers hindering blockchain adoption.

The Tezos blockchain distinguishes itself through its innovative proof-of-stake mechanism, allowing users to stake their Tez (XTZ) tokens and actively participate in the validation process. Unlike traditional Bitcoin mining, Tezos' energy-efficient approach enhances sustainability.

Tezos emphasizes the importance of long-term upgradability, open participation, collaboration, and smart contract safety. By prioritizing these values, the Tezos blockchain empowers developers and users alike to shape the future of decentralized applications.

Getting started with Tezos

To embark on your Tezos journey, it's essential to have a Tezos wallet to securely store and manage your XTZ tokens. Luckily, there is a wide range of Tezos wallets available, both in hardware and software formats, catering to users' diverse needs and preferences. You can also store your Tezos tokens securely in the Kvarn X app. 

You can buy Tezos on KvarnX platform. Signup here!

Once you have selected a Tezos wallet, you can start participating in Tezos staking, a key feature that sets Tezos apart from other cryptocurrencies. Staking involves delegating your XTZ tokens to a qualified baker, who will validate transactions on your behalf. By staking your XTZ, you actively contribute to the network's consensus mechanism and earn staking rewards in return.

“Tezos staking allows users to fully leverage the power of their XTZ tokens and actively participate in the growth and security of the Tezos blockchain.”

Staking rewards vary based on the amount of XTZ staked and the duration of the stake. It's important to note that staking is a passive income stream, allowing users to earn rewards while supporting the network's operations.

With a Tezos wallet and staking capabilities, you are well-equipped to dive into the exciting world of Tezos and experience the benefits of this innovative blockchain platform.

Tezos blockchain and smart contracts

The Tezos blockchain is a decentralized ledger that provides the infrastructure for executing smart contracts similar to Ethereum. Built on a foundation of transparency and trust, Tezos enables the creation of self-executing agreements through lines of code. These smart contracts automatically execute when specific conditions are met, ensuring efficiency and reliability in digital transactions.

With Tezos, the power of smart contracts is harnessed through its unique governance mechanism. Through on-chain governance, participants in the Tezos network can propose and implement changes to the protocol, enabling seamless upgrades and improvements. This decentralized approach ensures that the Tezos blockchain remains adaptable and evolves in response to the needs of its community.

"Tezos is not just a blockchain platform; it is a catalyst for innovation and collaboration. By combining smart contracts with its governance mechanisms, Tezos provides a powerful and flexible foundation for the development of decentralized applications."

- Tiana Laurence, Co-founder of Facts.tech

Tezos' focus on the user-centric approach and self-amendment sets it apart from other blockchain platforms. The ability to modify the protocol without hard forks or disruptions ensures continuity and long-term stability. This pioneering design makes Tezos an ideal choice for developers and businesses looking to leverage the power of blockchain technology and smart contracts.

Advantages of Tezos smart contracts:

  • Efficiency: Tezos smart contracts eliminate the need for intermediaries, enabling direct and secure peer-to-peer transactions.
  • Transparency: All transactions and contract terms are recorded on the Tezos blockchain, providing a transparent and auditable record of activity.
  • Flexibility: Tezos' governance mechanism allows for the seamless implementation of upgrades and improvements, ensuring the platform remains adaptable and meets evolving needs.
  • Security: Tezos employs rigorous security measures, including formal verification, to enhance the reliability and safety of smart contracts.

Tezos blockchain and smart contracts empower individuals and organizations with the ability to create, execute, and automate contracts in a secure and decentralized manner. As the adoption of blockchain technology continues to grow, Tezos stands at the forefront, driving innovation and unlocking new possibilities in various industries.

Tezos updates and upgrades

Tezos is a dynamic blockchain platform that is designed to evolve and adapt over time. The Tezos protocol utilizes its unique on-chain governance mechanism to propose and implement upgrades to the network.

Through a voting process, participants in the Tezos community have the opportunity to influence the direction and future of the protocol, based on their economic stake in Tezos.

This decentralized approach to governance ensures that upgrades to the Tezos protocol are determined by the community itself rather than a centralized authority.

Over the years, Tezos has successfully undergone several upgrades, each introducing new features and enhancements to the platform.

These upgrades have not only improved the functionality and efficiency of the network but have also helped in addressing any security vulnerabilities or scalability challenges.

Notable Tezos upgrades:

  • Athens: Introduced gas optimization, reducing the cost of executing smart contracts on the Tezos blockchain.
  • Babylon: Implemented several important improvements, including the addition of new Michelson instructions, making smart contract development more flexible and efficient.
  • Carthage: Focused on reducing storage costs and improving smart contract performance, further enhancing the capabilities of the Tezos blockchain.

These upgrades signify the commitment of the Tezos community to continuous improvement and innovation, making Tezos a robust and future-proof platform for decentralized applications and smart contracts.

Tezos use cases and applications

Tezos is a versatile blockchain platform that offers a wide range of applications and use cases. Its unique features and capabilities make it an ideal choice for various industries and projects.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) applications

Tezos provides a robust infrastructure for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. DeFi platforms built on Tezos leverage its smart contract capabilities to enable secure and transparent financial transactions. These applications can include decentralized exchanges, lending and borrowing platforms, yield farming, and more. With Tezos, individuals can participate in DeFi protocols and access financial services without the need for intermediaries.

Non-Fungible Token (NFT) projects

Tezos is also well-suited for non-fungible token (NFT) projects. NFTs are unique digital assets that can represent anything from artwork and collectibles to virtual real estate and in-game items. Tezos provides a reliable and scalable platform for the creation, trading, and ownership of NFTs. Its smart contract functionality ensures the authenticity and provenance of NFTs, making it ideal for artists, creators, and collectors.

Tokenization of assets

Companies and organizations can leverage Tezos to tokenize real-world assets. Tokenization involves creating digital representations of assets such as real estate, stocks, commodities, and more. By tokenizing these assets, they can be easily traded, fractionalized, and accessed by a global audience. Tezos' flexibility and adaptability make it an ideal platform for asset tokenization, providing transparency, security, and liquidity to traditional markets.

Supply chain and logistics

The traceability and transparency offered by the Tezos blockchain make it suitable for supply chain and logistics applications. By recording and verifying every step of a product's journey on the blockchain, businesses can ensure the integrity of their supply chains. This can help prevent counterfeiting, reduce fraud, and improve efficiency in global trade and logistics operations. Tezos' smart contract capabilities enable the automation of key processes and the execution of self-executing agreements.

Gaming and virtual worlds

Tezos can also be utilized in the gaming and virtual worlds industry. By leveraging Tezos' smart contract capabilities, developers can create secure and transparent gaming experiences. Blockchain-based games and virtual worlds built on Tezos provide players with true ownership of in-game assets and the ability to trade them in a peer-to-peer manner. Additionally, Tezos' flexibility allows for the integration of decentralized governance mechanisms, empowering players to have a say in the development and direction of the games they enjoy.

Healthcare and identity management

Tezos has the potential to revolutionize healthcare and identity management systems. By utilizing Tezos' blockchain technology, sensitive medical data can be securely stored and shared between healthcare providers, ensuring privacy and interoperability. Tezos' smart contract functionality can also be leveraged for identity management solutions, enabling individuals to have control over their digital identities and personal data.


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Tezos partnerships and ecosystem

Tezos has established strategic collaborations with a diverse range of companies and organizations, highlighting its commitment to driving adoption and fostering the growth of the Tezos ecosystem. Through these partnerships, Tezos gains mainstream visibility and actively showcases its capabilities across various industries, including sports, gaming, and technology. Notable collaborations include:

  • Manchester United: Tezos partners with one of the world's most iconic football clubs, enhancing fan engagement and exploring blockchain applications in the sports industry.
  • McLaren: Tezos collaborates with McLaren Racing, a leading Formula 1 team, to leverage blockchain technology for operational improvements and fan experiences.
  • Team Vitality: Tezos joins forces with Team Vitality, a renowned esports organization, to explore the intersection of blockchain and gaming, facilitating innovative solutions and community engagement.
  • Misfits Gaming: Tezos establishes a partnership with Misfits Gaming, an esports organization, to drive the adoption of blockchain technology and enhance the gaming experience for fans and players.
  • Ubisoft: Tezos collaborates with Ubisoft, a prominent video game publisher, to explore blockchain applications in the gaming industry, fostering decentralization and player empowerment.

These significant partnerships not only raise awareness about Tezos but also demonstrate the platform's versatility and potential in revolutionizing various sectors. Tezos continues to forge alliances to expand its global reach and further strengthen its position within the evolving blockchain landscape.

You can read more about Tezos ecosystem here: https://ecosystem.tezos.com/

Tezos price and market updates

The price of Tezos (XTZ) is subject to fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market. Like other digital assets, Tezos' price is influenced by various factors, including market conditions, investor sentiment, and developments within the Tezos ecosystem.

Despite the inherent volatility of the crypto market, Tezos has demonstrated growth and resilience over time, gaining recognition as a promising cryptocurrency. Its unique features, such as on-chain governance and staking rewards, contribute to its appeal and long-term potential.

Investors and enthusiasts can access reliable sources for Tezos price updates and market analysis to make informed decisions. These sources provide real-time information and expert insights to help navigate the dynamic Tezos market.

"Tezos has shown significant potential as a versatile blockchain platform. Its price movements are closely watched by investors and industry experts, as it continues to gain traction in the decentralized finance landscape."

By following Tezos price and market updates, users can stay informed about the latest developments, potential partnerships, and adoption trends within the Tezos ecosystem. This knowledge can provide valuable insights into the current state and future direction of the Tezos market. Best place to stay informed about the cryptomarket is of course our own Kvarn Pulse Newsletter!

Tezos community and support

Tezos has a vibrant and active community of users, developers, and enthusiasts. The Tezos community plays a crucial role in driving the development and growth of the Tezos ecosystem. By actively participating in online communities, forums, and social media channels, users can connect with other Tezos enthusiasts, share knowledge, and collaborate on innovative ideas. 

Check out the Tezos developer portal here: https://tezos.com/developers/

The Tezos community offers a wealth of support to its members. Whether you're a developer looking for resources or an individual seeking guidance, the Tezos community is there to assist you. One valuable resource is the Tezos Foundation, which provides various forms of support to developers. This includes developer portals, documentation, tutorials, and grants to fuel the creation of new projects and applications.

Engaging with the Tezos community not only allows you to learn from experienced individuals but also provides opportunities for networking and collaboration. The community's diverse skill sets and backgrounds create a dynamic environment for knowledge sharing and growth.

Benefits of joining the Tezos community:

  1. Access to an active network of Tezos enthusiasts and industry experts.
  2. Opportunities to collaborate on innovative projects and applications.
  3. Engagement in discussions and debates surrounding the future of Tezos and decentralized technologies.
  4. Access to valuable resources, documentation, and developer support offered by the Tezos Foundation.
  5. Chance to contribute to the growth and development of the Tezos ecosystem through feedback and ideas.

Joining the Tezos community opens up a world of opportunities for learning, collaboration, and personal growth. Whether you're a developer, investor, or blockchain enthusiast, engaging with the Tezos community is a rewarding and valuable experience.

Tezos future and potential

The potential of Tezos is vast, with its self-amending capabilities and innovative features. As the cryptocurrency and blockchain space continues to evolve, Tezos remains well-positioned to adapt and thrive. Its focus on governance, security, and flexibility make it an attractive platform for developers and businesses.

Tezos has the potential to play a significant role in the future of decentralized finance, digital assets, and the Web3 movement. By offering a user-governed and user-centric ecosystem, Tezos empowers individuals to participate in shaping the future of finance. The flexibility and upgradability of Tezos make it an ideal platform for building decentralized applications and exploring new possibilities.

As more industries and sectors embrace blockchain technology and explore its potential, Tezos provides a reliable and adaptable foundation for developers and businesses. Its ability to seamlessly upgrade and improve its protocol through on-chain governance ensures that it can keep up with the evolving needs of the market.

Key advantages of Tezos:

  • Self-amending capabilities enable protocol upgrades to be proposed and implemented directly by the community
  • Focus on governance ensures transparency and enables decentralized decision-making
  • Strong security measures protect user assets and ensure the integrity of the network
  • Flexibility allows for the creation of a wide range of decentralized applications

With its forward-thinking approach and commitment to community-driven innovation, Tezos has the potential to shape the future of blockchain technology and revolutionize various industries. Its unique features and focus on user participation make it an exciting platform to watch as it continues to grow and evolve.


Tezos is revolutionizing the cryptocurrency landscape with its innovative approach and unique features. With on-chain governance, Tezos empowers users to directly participate in the decision-making process, ensuring a decentralized and user-centric ecosystem. The platform's smart contract capabilities enable the creation of self-executing agreements, opening up a world of possibilities for decentralized applications.

One of the standout features of Tezos is its staking rewards system. By staking their XTZ tokens, users can actively contribute to the security and operation of the blockchain while earning passive income. This incentivizes participation and strengthens the Tezos network.

The strength of Tezos lies not only in its technological advancements but also in its community and partnerships. Tezos has a strong and vibrant community of users, developers, and enthusiasts who actively contribute to the growth and development of the platform. Strategic partnerships with industry leaders, such as Manchester United and Ubisoft, further validate the potential and real-world applications of Tezos.

As Tezos continues to evolve and expand, it remains a promising platform for the future of decentralized applications and the financial industry. With its self-amending protocol and focus on user participation, Tezos is well-positioned to shape the Web3 revolution and redefine the way we interact with digital assets and contracts.


What is Tezos cryptocurrency?

Tezos is a blockchain platform designed to power the Web3 revolution. It is a self-amending cryptocurrency with on-chain governance, smart contract capabilities, and unique staking features.

What is Tezos?

Tezos is an open-source platform that aims to address key barriers facing blockchain adoption. It is backed by a global community of validators, researchers, and builders, and it utilizes a proof-of-stake mechanism for more energy-efficient mining.

How can I get started with Tezos?

To get started with Tezos, you can download a Tezos wallet to securely store and manage your Tez tokens. There are various Tezos wallets available, both hardware and software-based. You can also participate in Tezos staking by delegating your Tez tokens to a qualified baker who will validate transactions on your behalf.

What is Tezos blockchain?

The Tezos blockchain is a decentralized ledger that supports the execution of smart contracts. It utilizes its built-in governance mechanism to propose and implement changes to the network's protocol, allowing for seamless upgrades and improvements.

What is Tezos staking?

Tezos offers a unique staking feature where users can stake their XTZ tokens and earn staking rewards. By participating in the network's consensus mechanism, users can contribute to the security and operation of the Tezos blockchain. Staking rewards vary based on the amount of Tez staked and the length of time it is staked.

How are Tezos upgrades and updates implemented?

Tezos utilizes its on-chain governance mechanism to propose and implement protocol upgrades. These upgrades are chosen through voting by network participants, based on their economic stake in Tezos. This ensures that network upgrades are determined by the community and implemented in a decentralized manner.

What are some use cases for Tezos?

Tezos can be used in a variety of applications and use cases. It provides a platform for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, non-fungible token (NFT) projects, and various other applications that require smart contract functionality. Tezos is also utilized by companies and organizations to tokenize assets and create digital representations of real-world assets on the blockchain.

What partnerships does Tezos have?

Tezos has formed strategic partnerships with various companies and organizations, including Manchester United, McLaren, Team Vitality, Misfits Gaming, and Ubisoft. These partnerships bring mainstream visibility to Tezos and showcase the platform's capabilities in different industries, such as sports, gaming, and technology.

How does the price of Tezos fluctuate?

The price of Tezos (XTZ) can fluctuate in the cryptocurrency market, influenced by factors such as market conditions, investor sentiment, and developments within the Tezos ecosystem. Users can track the latest price updates and news related to Tezos to stay informed about market trends and opportunities.

How can I engage with the Tezos community?

Tezos has a vibrant and active community of users, developers, and enthusiasts. You can join online communities, forums, and social media channels to engage with other Tezos enthusiasts, share knowledge, and seek support. The Tezos Foundation provides resources and support for developers, including developer portals and grants.

What is the potential of Tezos?

The potential of Tezos is vast, with its self-amending capabilities and innovative features. It remains well-positioned to adapt and thrive in the evolving cryptocurrency and blockchain space. Its focus on governance, security, and flexibility makes it an attractive platform for developers and businesses, playing a significant role in the future of decentralized finance, digital assets, and the Web3 movement.